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AMOS 2020 – Call for Abstracts

Submissions open until 11:00pm AEST, Sunday 22 September 2019 Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society Annual Meeting and the International Conference on Indian Ocean Meteorology and Oceanography (AMOS 2020)Fremantle, WA - 10-14 February 2020 On behalf of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, the AMOS 2020 Organising Committee invites…

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AMOS National Radar Workshop

From Research to Operations New Horizons Building, Monash University, Clayton13-14 November 2019PLUS one day training workshop on Python ARM Radar Toolkit (Py-ART) - 12 November 2019  This year the annual radar workshop, hosted by Monash University and sponsored by Leonardo, is being held…

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Weather Tipping 2019

2019 AMOS Weather Tipping is now open for registration - Round 1 on 30 March! The AMOS Weather Tipping competition is back for 2019, and registration is now OPEN. The tipping season will commence on Saturday 30 March, culminating in…

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Job Alert – CCRC (UNSW) – PhD Opportunity

“Unravelling the role of lags and legacies in explaining the response of grasslands to elevated CO2” The rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere stimulates plant growth; however, in grassland ecosystems, the observed growth responses are highly variable and often…

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