The Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society is delighted to announce the 30th AMOS Conference 2024. We will hold this in-person event in Canberra, ACT from 5-9 February 2024.  The main conference proceedings will take place from 6-9 February at the Canberra Hyatt.  Our pre-conference workshops will take place on Monday 5 February 2024 at ANU (TBC).

The AMOS Conference is Australia’s pre-eminent meeting profiling the latest findings and applications of meteorology, climate science and oceanography across local, national and global scales.

The AMOS 2024 has over 40 thematic sessions covering areas such as: climate projections - weather forecasting - seasonal forecasting - extreme events - weather and climate impacts and risks - renewable energy - health - water - agriculture - economics and business - social change - communicating the AMOS sciences - education and outreach.

Join us for AMOS 2024 our 30th Conference will be an unmissable event that translates our sciences into practical outcomes for the benefit of society.

AMOS acknowledges the Ngunnawal people as traditional custodians of the land we will be meeting on and recognise any other people or families with connection to the lands of the ACT and region. AMOS wishes to acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region. We would also like to acknowledge and welcome other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who may be attending AMOS 2024.
Hyatt Hotel Canberra
NOTE: Registration is via the Oxford Abstracts website. 
If you have submitted an abstract/reviewer for abstracts please use same login.

Date & Time
5-9 February 2024
Warming Stripe graphics and lead scientist: Ed Hawkins, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading.
Data: Berkeley Earth, NOAA, UK Met Office, MeteoSwiss, DWD, SMHI, UoR, Meteo France & ZAMG
Sponsors and Partners
AMOS sincerely thanks our sponsors and partners for their generous support.

Click here for the AMOS 2024 Virtual Program Please note that there may be changes to speaker order in breakout sessions.

Click here for the AMOS 2024 Draft Abstract Book.


Dr Rishav Goyal
Senior Environmental Officer (Scientist) at the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)

Dr Andrew King
Senior Lecturer in Climate Science in the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Melbourne
A/Prof Ailie Gallant
Associate Professor in the School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment in the Faculty of Science, Monash University, and Deputy Director of the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub

Prof Andy Pitman
Professor of Climate Change at UNSW and Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes

Dr Samantha Burgess
Deputy Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

Prof Ed Hawkins MBE
Climate scientist in the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of Reading

Jane MacMaster
Chief Engineer, Engineers Australia

Prof Mark Howden
Director of the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions at The Australian National University, Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Dr Blair Trewin
Senior Research Scientist at the Bureau of Meteorology

Emeritus Prof Sue Stocklmayer AO
Australian National University

Emeritus Prof David Karoly
School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Melbourne and honorary Senior Research Fellow, Melbourne Climate Futures

Registration Fees

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING (may be subject to minor adjustments):
All full registrations include: 
- morning/afternoon tea and lunch at the Hyatt Canberra from Tuesday 6/2 to Friday 9/2
- AMOS 2024 Conference Dinner
- Icebreaker
- Workshops - Monday 5/2/2024 morning and afternoon tea provided (lunch not provided) - separate registration required
Retired also includes AMOS Membership 2024
ECR/Student also AMOS membership 2024 and ECR/Student Event

(Inc 10% GST)
ends 14/11/2023
(Inc 10% GST)
ends 31/12/2023
(Inc 10% GST)

AMOS Member (must have AMOS membership for 2024) $895 $950 $1000
AMOS ECR (also includes AMOS Membership 2024 & ECR Event)  $895 $950 $1000
AMOS Retired Member (also includes AMOS Membership 2024 $625 $665 $690
AMOS Student Member (also includes AMOS Membership 2024 & ECR Event) $625 $665 $690
AMS*/RMetS*/CMOS*/NZMetSoc*/CASANZ Member $975 $1025 $1075
AMS*/RMetS*/CMOS*/NZMetSoc*/CASANZ Member - Retired/Student $675 $725 $775
* Residing outside of Australia only    
Non-Member Full  $1060 $1120 $1170
Early Career Researcher (includes AMOS Membership 2024) $895 $950 $1000
Student (includes AMOS Membership 2024) $625 $665 $690
One Day Only - AMOS Member (dinner NOT included) $375 $425 $475
One Day Only - Non-Member (dinner NOT included) $425 $475 $525


Fellows Dinner (invitation only)

Partner/Guest Dinner Ticket$140

Partner/Guest Icebreaker Ticket$60


Developing Economy - see the FAQs section below for more details
All fees are quoted in Australian dollars ($AUD) and are inclusive of 10% GST (Goods and Services Tax).

Registration is via the Oxford Abstracts website. 
If you have submitted an abstract/reviewer for abstracts please use same login.
Guidelines for Presenters
Oral Presentations

Presentation Time
Please keep your presentation to no more than 15 minutes (12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A). Presenters may upload their presentation (preferred) or bring it on USB stick.

Presentation Upload Instructions
To ensure that the program runs smoothly, please have your presentation uploaded at least 12 hours before your scheduled presentation time.
1. Save your presentation with the following filename convention: [last name]_[ first name]_[ session number].ppt. For example, Smith_John_Session_4.2
2. Upload your presentation to the AMOS 2024 Dropbox folder.
3. Select ‘Add files’, locate the saved file on your computer and press ‘Upload’, to complete the upload process.
4. You will not be able to obtain further access to edit or remove your presentation. If you need to upload a new version, please use previous name and add v2, v3 etc. For example Smith_John_Session_4.2_v2
Lightning Lectures
Lightning lectures act as a short introduction or summary of your research and are accompanied by a poster within one of the poster sessions. See poster guidelines below.

Presentation Time
Please keep your lightning lecture to no more than 2 minutes. It should consist of a maximum of 2 PowerPoint slides.

Presentation Upload Instructions
To ensure that the program runs smoothly, please have your presentation uploaded at least 12 hours before your scheduled presentation time.
1. Save your lightning lecture with the following filename convention: LL_ [last name]_[ first name]_[ session number]. For example, LL_Smith_John_Session_4.2
2. Upload your presentation to the AMOS 2024 Dropbox folder.
3. Select ‘Add files’, locate the saved file on your computer and press ‘Upload’, to complete the upload process.
4. You will not be able to obtain further access to edit or remove your presentation. If you need to upload a new version, please use previous name and add v2, v3 etc. For example LL_Smith_John_Session_4.2_v2.ppt
Poster Presentations
Presenters will be assigned a poster number that corresponds to a poster board and, on the first morning of their poster session, will display their poster on that board. Details on the timing of poster sessions will be posted here as soon as it has been confirmed.

Poster Format
Posters should be in PORTRAIT format and no larger than A0 size (841mm x 1189mm). The poster message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation. Your poster should include the title, authors’ names and the organisation(s) where the work was completed. Text throughout the poster should be kept brief and descriptions of methods should be clear and concise.

Posters can be affixed to the poster boards with velcro. Velcro dots will be available from the AMOS reception desk.
Conference Workshops
Monday, 5 February 2024 at the Marie Reay Teaching Centre - Kambri on the Australian National University (ANU) Campus. 

NOTE:  Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. Note that lunch will NOT be provided (there are nearby food outlets on campus).
Workshop: Accessible and usable science: working with end users for impact through co-design
Monday 5 February, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Convenors: Ramona Dalla Pozza, Tahnee Burgess, Sarah Boulter, Brad Murphy, John Clarke, David Hoffman
Working with end users to co-design science is a way to ensure your science will have impact. It will also ensure it is usable and accessible to decision makers need to understand how to find and use the best available climate information for their needs. This workshop brings together scientists, policy makers, and knowledge brokers from across Australia. It will involve working through the process of co-design with advice on identifying and engaging with end-users, targeting your communications and ensuring the information delivered to them is accessible, usable and understood.
Workshop: Accessing and using BARRA2 and BARPA data for research
Monday 5 February, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Convenors: Dr Joshua Torrance, Dr Chun-Hsu Su
This workshop will demonstrate how to access and navigate through the BARRA2 and BARPA datasets, both available at NCI.
The BARRA2 reanalysis dataset provides researchers with historical long-term and spatially complete records of the atmosphere from 1979 to the present day. BARPA are climate simulations based on CORDEX-CMIP6 (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment) experiment design, providing CMIP6 downscaled data for historical, SSP1-2.6 and SSP3-7.0 scenarios.
Participants will be guided on how to find information on, how to gain access to, and how to navigate through the BARRA2 & BARPA datasets. Participants are expected to have access to NCI, some familiarity with Python, and will be guided through a series of demonstrative Python notebooks.
Workshop: Best practise communication: Translating the science
Monday 5 February, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Convenor: Ms Amelia Pearson, Ms Ella Healy, Mr Mandeep Kuldeep Singh
The Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub (MCCCRH) works with Australia's leading news agencies to disseminate climate information to the general public. Through our research and impact-focused projects, we have identified four key strategies for best practise climate change communication: using objective, non-persuasive communication, distilling complex concepts into simple formats using written and visual aids, localising data, and pairing human experiences with the science.
This workshop will be divided into two parts. First, participants will learn the four principles of effective communication. The second portion will be highly interactive. They will have the opportunity to apply this new knowledge to a communication piece based on a scientific topic of their choice, and receive feedback from the convenors. The session aims to help participants develop effective written and verbal communication skills they can use in their work.
This workshop will be hosted by science communication experts from the MCCCRH.
Workshop: Climate Classrooms: Educational Resources for Teachers Workshop
Convenors: Ms Amelia Pearson, Dr Sanaa Hobeichi
There is a need for climate education that ensures every student has the knowledge and skills to tackle climate change. The Climate Classrooms workshop offers an innovative way to improve climate literacy through the co-design of climate lessons for Australian schools. The in-person workshop will bring climate scientists and high school teachers together to develop educational resources that use climate science concepts and data to address learning objectives within the Australian Maths and Science curricula. The aim is to make novel climate research accessible to secondary school teachers and enable them to use it in their teaching of the Australian Curriculum.
The workshop will be run by convenors from the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub in partnership with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. It will facilitate knowledge sharing, improve teacher understanding of climate change, and allow the latest climate research to be embedded into curriculum resources.
Workshop: Climate science, climate impacts: How is climate change impacting on the work of meteorology and oceanography?
Monday 5 February, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Convenors: Prof. Lauren Rickards, Dr Lisa De Kleyn, Dr Todd Denham
The work of meteorologists and oceanographers is crucial to understanding climate change, now and into the future, and fundamental for effective climate change adaptation. We are all exposed to the risks, uncertainty, and effects of climate change, including through our work. Building on the Climate Impacts at Work (Denham and Rickards, 2022) report, this workshop will facilitate discussion of climate impacts on atmospheric and oceanographic scientists’ work, including practices, pressures, and public engagement, and what is needed to support scientists in responding to increasing demands from climate change impacts. Examples may include damage to equipment and assets; blackouts and ICT disruptions; disrupted and delayed work schedules; resource shortages; increased and altered roles; and the impacts on home life affecting work capacity. The purpose is to build understanding of what is needed to support scientific work as a part of our adaptive efforts.
Denham, T. and Rickards, L. (2022) Climate Impacts at Work. Climate Resilience Living Lab, RMIT University, Melbourne –
Workshop: Regional climate downscaling for Australia within the CORDEX framework
Monday 5 February, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Convenors: Jason Evans, Marcus Thatcher
This workshop is relevant for those performing regional climate simulations or using regional climate projection data in their work with a focus on CORDEX related data and modelling. The workshop will have some presentations with extended discussion. Some topics to be covered include:
    • Accessing the existing CORDEX data. How to access and use the data
    • Discuss the CORDEX-CMIP6 dataset
        • Current status of the CORDEX-CMIP6 ensemble
        • What evaluation has been done? What further evaluation is underway? Or should be done?
        • What collaborative analysis could we do?
    • Possibilities for a collaborative convection permitting projection experiment? Should we propose an official CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study (FPS).
Workshop: ENSO Workshop
Monday 5 February, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Convenors: Arnold Sullivan, Wenju Cai
A workshop dedicated specifically to ENSO-related discussions which aims to provide an opportunity for broader engagement and knowledge sharing within the ENSO community.
Workshop: RV Investigator, Australia’s dedicated blue-water research vessel: Applying for sea time & your future research capability needs
Thursday 8 February (during conference)
Convenors: Dr Ben Arthur, Dr Venetia Joscelyne
The CSIRO Marine National Facility (MNF) provides researchers with world‑class ocean research capabilities, high quality marine data and expertise built up over more than 40 years. Centred around CSIRO research vessel (RV) Investigator, designed and built to operate flexibly both within and between scientific disciplines, the MNF also provides the Australian research community with access to a suite of advanced scientific equipment and instruments, as well as expert technical and voyage planning support.
In this workshop we outline the process for applying for sea time onboard the RV Investigator, including the access pathways, and what makes a good application. We also touch on what happens with voyage data and how to access it.
Keen to continue to provide the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic research community with world‑class ocean research capabilities, we ask “what does MNF need to look like in the next decade to meet your future research capability needs?”.
Key Dates
July 2023
26 July - call for abstracts

September 2023
Friday 1 September - abstracts close

October 2023
Friday, 20 Oct (approx) abstract acceptance notification

November 2023
Tuesday, 14 Nov - early bird registration ends
(standard registration opens on 15 Nov)
Friday, 30 Nov- presenters must be registered

January 2024
Sunday 31 December 2023 - standard registration closes
(late fees apply after this date)

February 2024
Monday, 5 February
Pre-conference workshops ANU

Tuesday, 6 to Friday 9 February - AMOS 2024
Main conference proceedings
Hyatt Hotel Canberra

Tuesday, 6 February
Icebreaker Drinks
Hyatt Hotel Canberra

Wednesday, 7 February
Student/ECR Event, Academy of Science
Fellows Dinner, National Press Club

Thursday, 8 February
AMOS Conference Dinner
Parliament House, Canberra

Friday, 9 February 2024
4pm Conference Close
Visit Canberra
Canberra is famous for its national museums and galleries, but those in the know also head to local treasures and attractions. Discover a garden that houses one-fifth of Australia's native plant species, a zoo where you can help save endangered animals, and a popular market housed in an old bus depot.
Many attractions are free to enter or offer family prices for an afforadble getaway. Keep an eye out for tours, programs, hands-on activiites, and things to do at each of these attractions. Click here for more information.
Hyatt Hotel Canberra
The fabulous Hyatt Hotel Canberra has a limited number of king rooms at $230 per night (room only) for AMOS 2024 delegates.  Cancellation is 100% 30 days prior to arrival.  These rooms are limited and available on a first come, first-served basis.  We recommend that you book prior to 28 October.
To book online, click on this link Hyatt Hotel Canberra.
5 Star Canberra Hotel Rooms & Suites
○ Enter stay dates: 05-10 February 2024
○ Choose Corporate or Group Code - G-CTMT
○ Click “Book now”
○ Select and Book
Book through reservations
○ Call 131 234
○ Group code: G-CTMT
Visa Requirements
Whether you are visiting Australia for less than 72 hours or planning on a stay of several years you must have a valid Australian visa.
A visa is a form of permission for a non-citizen to enter, transit or remain in a particular country.
Information on visas to Australia can be found at the Information on visas to Australia can be found at the Department of Home Affairs.
The Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) aims to advance scientific understanding of the atmosphere, oceans and climate system. This extends to socioeconomic and ecological impacts. We promote applications of this understanding for the benefit of Australia and its neighbours. The society provides support for and fosters interest in meteorology and oceanography through its publications, meetings, workshops, public events, grants and prizes. We are proud of our long history of service to the professions, of good working relationships with agencies, and promotion of high quality science and science-based community services.

For more information, visit
30th Conference of The Australian Meteorological
and Oceanographic Society
AMOS 2024
5-9 February 2024
Canberra, ACT, Australia
Registration is via the Oxford Abstracts website.
If you have submitted an abstract/reviewer for abstracts please use same login.
Contact Us
AMOS 2024 General Enquiries
Conference Secretariat
[email protected]
+61 (0) 404 471 143

AMOS Contacts
Jeanette Dargaville
Executive Officer
+61 (0) 404 471 143

Thomas Kavanagh
AMOS Conference Coordinator

Melissa Lyne
Media/Communications Officer

Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Inc 
All Rights Reserved.
AMOS Privacy Policy. Terms and Conditions
| ABN: 47 970 713 012 | AMOS INC: A00 142 45C |
Registered Australian Charity

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