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If you are interested in convening a high-quality session at AMOS 2025, the 31st Conference of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) Annual Conference, please complete the following form. Deadline Sunday, 15 September 2025.

AMOS 2025 – Request for Session(s)

  • Session Details

  • Please provide a title for the proposed session.
  • Please provide a description for the proposed session (150 words).
  • Please choose the most appropriate topic for your session from the following list . Choose “Other” if you are unsure.
  • Convenor Details

  • Please provide the name of the lead session convenor. This person will be the main contact for the proposed session and lead the review and session allocation process.
  • Please provide details for a second session convenor.
  • Please provide details for a third session convenor (if required).
  • Please list any other session convenors below including name, organisation, email.
  • Please list Session Chairs below including name, organisation and email if not indicated above.
  • Other information

  • Please note any potential clashes with other topics
  • (e.g., keynote speakers etc)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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